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2 June 2024
The web is dead. Long live the app?

Don’t worry, this article isn’t (entirely) about blockchain and AI taking over the world. Humble beginnings Before the world wide web, was the internet. A large set of fundamental protocols that connects devices together, allowing one computer to communicate with another. With roots spanning back to the 1960’s, early scientific communications and even the cold...

1 August 2022
Yellow Box Software: 3 Years in

Yellow Box Software is celebrating its third birthday this month, and amongst the growth, successes, pandemics and learnings along the way we have adopted pragmatically. The transformation of the company into an almost entirely software as a service provider, the shift towards Industry 4.0 focus and the partnerships made along the way have formed us...

1 June 2022
How IoT is Transforming Industry

Industry 4.0 and the ever connected world of bring your own device, centralised operations and the digital thread are transforming industry. “Industry 4.0 is a concept where an entire manufacturing factory can be transformed to an IoT-based factory” In manufacturing, IoT is central to the development of smart factories. By integrating sensors, machines, and control...

The Growth of Green Tech

Green technology, sustainable tech or clean tech, takes principles of environmentally-preferred purchasing, green nanotechnology and green energy production to create a more sustainable ecosystem aided by the latest technology.   “Share of renewable energy more than doubled between 2004 and 2020”   Dealing with both current and future environmental concerns, technology firms are reducing or...